Spiritual Direction
Meet with a believer trained in discernment.
Service Description
While spiritual direction does have the word "direction" in it, the director is not there to direct your life, but serves more like an orchestra conductor who is paying close attention to the music God has written and is listening carefully to the ways the different instruments are participating in the music. For this reason, I often describe spiritual direction as a ministry of clarification and hospitality. Directors serve as a second set of ears to help you see and hear clearly what is happening in your life, and as a facilitator of time and space to be with God in that awareness of your real life. This allows God to be the real director and helps the directee (the receiver of spiritual direction) to grow in his or her capacity to discern God's voice themselves. Nuos Formation has a network of spiritual directors who hold a certificate in Spiritual Direction with an emphasis in premodern psychology. This combination makes for a holistic approach to spiritual direction that integrates mind, body and spirit. What's the cost? $160 per session Session length and frequency? Sessions are typically 45-60 minutes. Meeting times and frequency are based on your availability and the availability of your director. Meetings can be completed in person (if we have director in your area) or remotely. Is it confidential? The content of your sessions may occasionally be shared with a supervision group to support your director in sharpening his/her skills but your identity will be kept completely confidential. How do I get started? Copy this link into your browser and fill out the Google form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdhwiPN7E_L2STDzSG0NlwoojoCyXBRYSP5QlOQgG0XW9BdhQ/viewform We'll match an available director to you based on your answers and have them contact you within two weeks. If we don't have anyone available at that time, we'll let you know and add you to a waitlist or do our best to connect you to an alternative resource. If you have any additional questions email julie@nuosformation.com
Contact Details
San Francisco USA