Join the Love Conspiracy
We believe that Love is conspiring on our behalf. Nuos Formation provides opportunities for you to contribute financially to meaningful projects that promote flourishing in the world. Your donations are tax deductible and processed through New Horizons Foundation.
See featured projects below.
Assisi House
Assisi House is a home in the San Francisco Mission District that offers a wide range of opportunities for spiritual growth, community, and discernment hospitality for those in transition. Donations to the Assisi House support its use as a space for spiritual direction, intellectual inquiry around spiritual topics, and embodied, incarnational community life through retreat experiences, training and spiritual formation education.
Understanding Faith Deconstruction
A Qualitative Research Project
"Deconstruction” has become a catch-all term for crises of faith happening in the individual, the church and the culture at large. This broad abstraction is in need of more precise examination: how might we understand the key forces shaping the current moment? How might we discern amidst the swirl of ambiguity which are fleeting distractions, versus where the Spirit is and has always been at work?
Faith deconstruction is a disorienting experience, but is also ripe with potential for increased awareness and trust of God and possibility for the flourishing of the fruit of the Spirit. Qualitative research investigates the deep unmet needs of these individuals. We will be listening for the moments of opportunity to meet people in those deep unmet needs and offer resources to help others journey well with them. Learn more here.