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Nuos Coaching

Nuos coaching inspires clients to explore their own role as a unique and generative resource to the world and identify new possibilities for the ways the eco system in which they live is inviting the best of them to come forth.

Nuos Coaching
Nuos Coaching

Time & Location

Dates determined w/ you and coach

Location determined w/ you and coach


What is Nuos Coaching?

Nuos coaching involves working one-on-one with a professional coach to gain clarity of your desires, identify and overcome obstacles to pursuing those desires, recognize and utilize the resources you have in and around you, and explore new practices and narratives that create new possibilities and opportunities.  Nuos coaching is distinct from other helping professions such as psychotherapy, spiritual direction, consulting, mentoring or analysis.  Nevertheless, coaching may intersect with psychological and relational issues and may address all areas of your life including relationships, work life, finances, exercise, recreation, spirituality, etc.

Distinctions of Nuos Coaching:

  • We function with the assumption that Grace is actively at work on your behalf, and as you move in alignment to yourself and trust in that Grace an authentic, beautiful life will unfold. 
  • In addition to being trained coaches, we are also trained spiritual directors and proficient in supporting you in integrating your faith/spirituality across all areas of your life.
  • We support clients in discerning and fulfilling what Luke Burgis in his book Wanting refers to as "thick desires"- the desires that are most core to you like belonging, purpose, justice, etc. This is in contrast to "thin desires" like becoming famous, marrying a model, making a lot of money, etc., that are closer to the surface and typically driven by imitating what others are pursuing.

Nuos Coaching is for anyone who:

  • Wants to increase their skills in communication, leadership and/or relationship building. 
  • Is in a transition that is seeking to determine how to navigate change and move gracefully into a new beginning: loss of a loved one, job change, newly-wed or divorced, empty nester, retiree, etc.
  • Desires to increase their confidence, courage, empathy, patience, balance in life, healthy boundary setting or any other virtues.
  • Desires to lessen an afflicting experience they're having like anxiety, stress, insecurity, loneliness, etc.
  • Wants to develop new habits.
  • Feels stuck in one or more areas of their life and isn't sure how to change it.
  • Has one or more challenging relationships and is struggling with how to have connection and harmony.
  • Generally feels good about their life but has a sense that there is more flourishing to be experienced. 


Sessions typically happen weekly and are 50-60 minutes over Zoom or in-person when able. Depending on the goals of the client, they will meet anywhere from three months to several years with a coach.


Is it confidential?

​The content of your sessions may occasionally be shared with a supervision group or another coach to support your coach in sharpening his/her skills but your identity will be kept completely confidential.

How do I get started?

Fill out this form and we will reach out to you within a few business days. 

Email jessica@nuosformation with questions.

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